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A maker working with ceramics, I aim to keep traditional techniques alive by hand building and using a saggar to create my work.


Examining and exploring ideas surrounding mould, decay and deterioration with nature and its environment – looking at multiple examples including rust, peeling paint and erosion, I use terracotta, black and white textured clays.


This surface allows me to create uneven, unique forms which create their own narrative – each side of a piece reflecting a different shape or curve of the form, making them visually interesting and distinctive at all angles.


 I also apply specific textured glazes to convey my ideas of deterioration within the environment and fire them with fruit rinds and steel wool to colour the vessels naturally and unpredictably. With each piece being handmade and created with natural materials, the uncertainty of what will be produced is an integral and exciting part of my practice.


I aim for my pieces to be visually interesting and intriguing – encouraging the audience to touch and feel the earthy textures incorporated in my work.


The rough, bumpy, jagged surface combined with the uneven, asymmetrical form makes the vessels appear to be a product of the natural environment to the audience – designed to be held and admired. 


With the variations of colour I have produced on the vessels I look to explore other colours I can produce with the saggar – experimenting with various combustible and natural materials in the future.

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